2016 Everlast SuperUltra 205 200a Tig Stick 50a Plasma Cutter Multi Process Welder Dual Voltage 110/220v

The basic MOSFET inverter design of the SuperUltra 205 with DC TIG, Stick and Plasma output keeps things simple and streamlined for the budget-minded welding enthusiast. This entry-level welder/plasma cutter multi-process unit is designed to handle the occasional welding and plasma cutting chore that may crop up around the home shop or hobby garage. With up to 200 amps of DC TIG welding power, the unit has enough power to tackle about any small steel or stainless repair that comes its way. Any metal cutting project up to 3/8"-1/2" can be easily sliced through with the built in High Frequency 50 amp plasma cutter. The unit also has enough power in stick mode to weld with welding rods such as 6013, 7014, and 7018 up to 1/8" in diameter.MOSFET-based inverter technology Lightweight and portable
DC TIG allows fine repairs on Stainless Steel, Chrome Moly and Steel
HF plasma cutting with pilot arc function
1/2" on DC TIG , 3/4" cut on plasma and DUAL VOLTAGE 110v/220v

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